
Gita Class will not be held on 30 June 2024 as Rev Swami Sridharananda ji will be out of station. Classes will resume from 7th July 2024.

Guru Purnima celebration on 21st July 2024

Dear Devotees and friends,
We are celebrating Guru Purnima on 21st July 2024, Sunday.
Please click here for program details.

Rev Swami Sridharananda ji has resumed his Gita classes again since February 2024, held at the Ashram at 10:30am every Sunday.

Keeping in mind the high age group category of the devotees and friends who visit the centre, we recommend that you wear a mask when you visit the centre. Many thanks.

Quote for the day

The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It is the fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven in a moment.
Swami Vivekananda


Vedanta is based on the Vedas - one of the most sacred and ancient scriptures of the Hindus. It is a system of philosophy which is based on the idea that all reality is a single principle, Brahman (God), and teaches that the believer's goal is to transcend the limitations of self-identity and realize one's unity with Brahman. It is not based on the life and teachings of any one particular saint or prophet. It is a federation of faiths and a commonwealth of spiritual concepts.

Harmony of Religions

Every religion teaches man to fill his being with the glory of God and to transcend pettiness and selfishness. It trains him in the methods of unattachment and discernment, so that he may aim high and attain spiritual perfection.


Sri Ramakrishna

Read about Sri Ramakrishna, his life and teachings in brief.


Holy Mother Sarada Devi

Read about the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, her life and teachings in brief.


Swami Vivekananda

Read about Swami Vivekananda, The chief disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, who founded the Ramakrishna Mission & Ramakrishna Math.


Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna

Read about the other 15 direct monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.



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  • Car Entry is only from Marsden Road: